Our pledge to safety during these unprecedented times

The following includes Metro Printers’ plan to create a safe and productive work environment for our employees and customers. Safety at Metro Printers is of highest priority. The following guidelines help ensure our shop remains operational and transmission free.

COVID-19 Transmission Reduction Guidelines

  1. Entering the Building (Employees, Associates and Customers)
    1. To enter Metro Printers, you must phone our office (604)-682-2927. An associate will open the door for you
    2. Apply a mask prior to entering, ensuring it covers your mouth and nose
    3. Once you have entered the building, disinfect your hands with the provided disinfectant or your own
    4. Fill out the visitor form on a new page including all relevant information (Temperature sensor is placed next to sign-in book. Disinfect before and after using)
  2. Max Capacity of Specific Locations
    1. Microwave Room: No more than one person in the microwave area at one given time
    2. Engraving Station: No more than two people working 6 feet apart and wearing masks at one given time
    3. Large Format Station: No more than two people working 6 feet apart and wearing masks at one given time
    4. Offices: No more than two people, 6 feet apart and wearing masks at one given time during meetings
    5. Main Production Floor: Workers working on main production floor must exhibit social distancing (6 feet distance) and be wearing masks at all times
    6. Prepress Floor: Workers working on the prepress floor must practice social distancing (6 feet distance) and be wearing masks at all times
  3. Lunch Procedure
    1. Prior to the consumption of food or drink, wash and dry your hands thoroughly with soap and water
    2. The consumption of food or drink must be done while socially distanced from other coworkers
      1. Consumption of food and drink is the only time you may lower your mask while inside the building
    3. Choose a location that is far from other workers and not in an active work area
      1. On nice days, eating on the loading dock may be a good alternative (assuming no active trucks in the area)
    4. After consuming your food/drink disinfect your area and wash your hands once more before returning to work
      1. Remember to raise your mask after eating. If you see a patron who has forgotten this rule, kindly remind them
  4. Symptoms
    1. Stop work and Self Isolate immediately if any of the following applies:
      1. If you at any time during your workday at Metro Printers you begin to feel symptoms of COVID-19 self isolate immediately, then advise a supervisor
        1. Fever or chills
        2. Cough
        3. Loss of sense of smell or taste
        4. Difficulty breathing
        5. Sore throat
        6. Loss of appetite
        7. Extreme fatigue or tiredness
        8. Headache/Body ache
        9. Nausea or vomiting
        10. Diarrhea
      2. Have travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days
      3. Have been in close contact of someone with COVID-19
      4. If you have been told to isolate by Public Health
    2. After you have self isolated, inform your supervisor of your situation so we can begin contact tracing
  5. Disinfecting High Contact Areas
    1. The following areas are to be disinfected daily:
      1. Time clock
      2. Front door handles
      3. Prepress-Main Floor door handle
      4. Handles on the Kodak NexPress
      5. Sign-in sheet and temperature sensor
      6. Light switches
      7. Phones